By Aina
United Kingdom
Hi everyone
Thank you for rhubarb advice unfortunately left one root uncovered and now it has got frost bite and the new shoot has turned brown around the edge. The other 2 plants are getting on well in the green house in pots as weather hasn't been good enough to plant out.
1 Apr, 2013
New leaves can get a bit frizzled in a sharp frost but normally recover well. If your greenhouse is warm it might be as well to harden the rhubarb off during the day for a week or so, to avoid the shock of a sudden change of temperature. This is because in a warm environment the stalks will be less sturdy and so liable to frost damage, whereas ones that have been outside all the time are tougher.
1 Apr, 2013
the rhubarb should be outdoors planted out, rather than being mollycoddled inside. it won't mind the frost at all. i would put the poorly one out too. it'll soon recover hopefully.
1 Apr, 2013