By Donal_brady
I am 'badgered' by a chewed up lawn.
Please can you suggest some deterrant for these protected beasts without contravening the law?
Don Brady
3 Apr, 2013
Thanks for the suggestion.
Don't fancy night patrols but I might get around to it.
Best wishes,
3 Apr, 2013
The only other thing I can suggest is a strong smelling scent put down where they come in (they have a specific route, which is one of the problems), perhaps something lemon scented. Like the fox question a few later on, they're after grubs in the grass and worms, a major part of their diet, so once they've eaten them all, they should turn their attention to something else. Don't, whatever you do, try and detract them by putting food down - you'll never get rid of them! PJ
4 Apr, 2013
Also try the 'urine' method, pee around the garden and they think that another animal is on the prowl.
4 Apr, 2013
If you can find where they are coming in try liberally sprinkling chilli pepper all over. This stopped mine.
6 Apr, 2013
Very few, unfortunately! They can be a persistent nuisance. Perhaps regular patrols by you, late at night might put it off, but in my experience (I've lost chickens to them three times), they are very difficult to move on.
3 Apr, 2013