By Winifrede
United Kingdom
Hello -- Sorry this is my second question today -- I have bought some agapanthus plants -- five blue and three white which I want to put into big tubs -- how many per tub please
4 Apr, 2013
Many thanks Mr or Mrs Bloomer for the answer to my question re the agapanthus -- I have just been to Dobbies and bought a lovely blue/white very big pot which I am going to fill with the bulbs (may be that is not the right name for them) -- I have a little greenhouse although it is not heated and I will put them in there till after the frost as you say -- thank you again
best wishes
4 Apr, 2013
Hi are welcome..hope they are successful for you..others may reply with some valuable advice,this is just what I would do..They should be fine inside your unheated greenhouse..I put mine out ,more towards the end of May,or if and when it comes a lot warmer..hopefully.. If it turns cold again,I put them back inside,with them not being hardy..and I am a Mrs..:o) Bloomer is my user name ..good luck..and welcome to Goy..hope you enjoy joining in with us all...
4 Apr, 2013
I think I would plant them all in one tub for a while,Winifrede,and give them chance to make good root systems..they prefer to be root bound,and don't need repotting for a long time,till you think they have filled the pot ..also,it just depends if they are the hardy ones or I wouldn't put them outside till all danger of frost has gone..Do you have somewhere you could keep them under cover yet?They like warmth..My pot is protected in a plastic growhouse all winter,with fleece around has been in the same pot for about three years now..but needs repotting this may not get flowers this year,so don't be disappointed if you only have foliage..they can take a while..hope this helps..
4 Apr, 2013