United Kingdom
Ginger Lillies. I have seen an ad for 2 tubers for £9.99. When I investigated, I found 1 in a 2 litre pot for the same price. What do you think? The former was from Blooming Direct.
5 Apr, 2013
That's brilliant and the growing advice too!! I'm so glad that I asked about them. Thankyou so much Kildermorie.
6 Apr, 2013
My local gc gave 3 free if you spent £20 or more. Yes I got 3. I started them off like Dahlias. fingers crossed.
6 Apr, 2013
That's a piece of good luck SBG - and not hard to spend £20 at a gc! Hope they do well. I've ordered one as a specimen for a pot (from Crocus as Kildermorie suggested) and was so pleased to see Phlomis Tuberosa with free p&p. Unfortunately, Crocus are out of stock and when Burncoose say free, they mean collection only. The p&p for one plant was £13! Seems so incredible that I keep thinking I must have missed something.
But I'm pleased to have a Ginger Lily to look forward to and I love receiving plants through the post as I don't drive a car.
So thankyou Kildermorie and SBG for the advice.
6 Apr, 2013
I am looking online at Crocus and they still have them on sale for half price:
Go via the offers section of gardeners world to get 20% off
6 Apr, 2013
I've ordered a ginger lily at half price from Crocus. It was the phlomis that was out of stock. I'm not a member of Gardeners World; let my subscription slide which is a shame. Thanks again for pointing me to Crocus where I spotted some more bargains.
7 Apr, 2013
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« Hi I'm new! Just wanting opinions on greenhouses, and which one people think...
Crocus sell the ginger Lilly rhizomes for £2.99 each. You start them off potted in an airing cupboard moistened with clingfilm on top and they grow away then you put outside after frost is unlikely in your garden. You do not need to buy them potted as they catch up. if you go through gardeners world you get 20% off on top at Crocus - I got my Hedychiums from them.
6 Apr, 2013