United Kingdom
I have been given a pot of muscari in a pot. The bulbs are above the earth in the pot. I want to plant them out in my garden. They have not yet flowered. How do I plant them and can I do it now or do I have to do it in the autumn?
6 Apr, 2013
You can just plant them as you would any pot grown plant now.
Some forms of muscari can be vigorous, if you don't mind them spreading plant in the ground and leave alone. if you don't want them to spread then dead head them before they set seed.
6 Apr, 2013
I would just put the pot in the ground for now and let them flower and then die back for this season. After the leaves have died back, unpot them and plant the bulbs at a more suitable depth.
7 Apr, 2013
I am assuming the bulbs were bought from the outdoor section of the garden center/supermarket and not from the warm inside! If they have been indoors all the time I would keep them in a bright, cool place to flower and put them outdoors later.
7 Apr, 2013
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I like to sink my pots of muscari or even let them tip naturally and the look like spilling pots in the garden .
They are effective spilling.
6 Apr, 2013