By Janelynda
United Kingdom
How do i cover a trellis fence (garden faces West) quickly but with something that is easy to maintain. Privacy is the key issue. Thanks.
17 Jan, 2010
I shall recommend a Solanum laxum 'Album' which should be OK facing west - it grows really fast, and has white clustsre of flowers from late summer into the autumn. You could also plant a Clematis or two to flower earlier with it - but make sure that they are ones that need to be cut back in the spring, as the Solanum does.
17 Jan, 2010
If you want duel purpose....try Oregon thornless blackberry. Easy to control. Just take out the old canes and tie in the new ones. Some climbers that cover well get a bit too rampant after about three years
17 Jan, 2010
try ivy -a brite evergren one is GOLDCHILD- green an yelow
TOGETHER WIHT IT try hte chilean potato tree - it no a tree but a climber wiht wondaful lilac an yelow flower -many to -hte cpt is call SOLANUM CRISPUM GLASNEVIN VARIETY -it a scorcha -no fuly hardy,but hte ivy wil help protect -if you want, you can ad hte perneial pea -vivid pink florwer -hte 3 togther wil be stuninn
17 Jan, 2010
Derek wont the ivy eventually destroy the trellis? I wouldn't go for a blackberry, thornless or not, hardly an oh wow for a trellis!
17 Jan, 2010
Thanks for all you replies, very new to gardening so will take on board all answers and consider very carefully !
17 Jan, 2010
Be aware that although I love Solanum crispum 'Glasnevin' and have one, it isn't a climber - it needs tying in and training. It's more of a 'scrambler' and doesn't have tendrils or anything. The other one, S. laxum, is a climber. It can be frost-prone, though, in exposed areas. Mine has come through last winter and the past few weeks of very low temperatures, though. It's fine. :-))
17 Jan, 2010
Blackberry flowers are pretty, and savouring the scrumptious jam, and the berries aint too bad to look at, all bright and shiny. Been caught out by Jasmine and ivy and a very thorny rose...ouch.
18 Jan, 2010
Hi MG - yes, i expectin it wil if fromBanQtype shop, but wiht sumthin strong it ok -
Spritzhenry -yes you corect- glasnevin is no reely a climber but it can be help thru ivy -well, it work forme, but i also useit scrmbal way by plnt in ddep pots -i moce thees round eesy to cover watever need cover
18 Jan, 2010
Dorjac I personally still wouldn't view a bramble as something to grow on a trellis fence. For one thing you are going to have to remove the canes that have fruited each year leaving the trellis very visible, then you need to keep the growing canes to no higher than five foot to control. Also like raspberries the canes do not grow up in the same place each year, ours used to move a good six inches at a time. Brambles and rasps are far better grown between to wires about 4 foot high so you can tie the canes onto them to give them support.
18 Jan, 2010
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Most of the clematis would fit the bill or do you want something evergreen?
17 Jan, 2010