By Sjw
United Kingdom
Now all the snow has gone, my flower border is looking very sad, it contains lots euphorbia which has collapsed under the weight of the snow. Will these plants recover or will collapsed branches need pruning in Spring. The same has happened to a large phormium, will they straighten up themselves in time.
18 Jan, 2010
most plants will recover,some collapsed branches may need surporting untill they wake in the spring,depending how big they are,but there is more snow forcast for wensday, so dont go rushing in with your first aid box yet. lol
18 Jan, 2010
we crosed in the post MG
18 Jan, 2010
i believe if your plants still with signs of life then theres a realy good chance for them.
18 Jan, 2010
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For the moment I'd leave the plants alone to see how they will recover. The weight of snow will have caused many plants to collapse. Wait and see what it all looks like in a couple of months time - you could be surprised at how well the plants recover.
18 Jan, 2010