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By Irene24

Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

Do i soak rose roots overnight tonight



Why would you want to soak them? Are you planting them tomorrow? If they are bare rooted then soak for an hour or so but not overnight.

9 Apr, 2013


I myself soak in warm water if the ground has'nt warmed up yet,
PLants can suffer from shock and cold water can do just this,
Also ensure your planting hole has good drainage and root food, (slow acting such as bone meal or fish/blood & bone mix,
to help the plant have a really good start, follow this with a mulch around the planted rose and the roots should'nt dry out during the hotter weather plus any late frost will not get to the roots thanks to the earth just been dug and having pockets of air in the soil.

9 Apr, 2013


Good luck with all that planting Irene!

9 Apr, 2013


Im planting them tomorrow inhavent got any fish /bood and bome
I have some chicken pellet ferteliser can i use that instead

9 Apr, 2013


Anything like that will do, although bf'n b is best. Be sure to thoroughly mix the fertiliser with the soil because some, especially bf 'n b will scorch the roots.

11 Apr, 2013

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