By Sybs
United Kingdom
I have been given a present of some named bulbs....however no idea as to what they look like or their colours, where best to plant.. Sparaxis, Brodiaea, Oxalis, Allium Ostrow, Acidanthera, can they planted in troughs ? pots ? or are they best in garden ???
10 Apr, 2013
I've found oxalis can take over too so I'd be careful where you plant it.
10 Apr, 2013
Owboggy and Louis15 thank you both very much for these great tips...I have been looking for pictures of the bulbs and have found now I will wait till weekend and try to get potted up and put in tiny garden..Heavy rain at the moment good for earth as it was so dry...hopefully last of real hard frost. Thank you again Sybil
10 Apr, 2013
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Saptaxis are slightly tender, bit like Freesias so pots.
The common Brodiaea are good and hardy, garden.
Depends on what the Oxalis are, but mostly the ones in packs like that are hardy, so garden.
Acidanthera are basically Gladiolii, nice in a pot or put out in the garden.
Alliou ostrowskianum bin them, bin them, bin them. They are one of the worst possible seed weeds going, they WILL take over. Or put them in pots and enjoy the flowers then cut them to the ground and bin the tops.
10 Apr, 2013