I am sorry - I don't understand your gobbeldy-gook inststructions as to how I say 'thank you'All that happened when I tried it was that my message disappeared
By Simbacat
United Kingdom
hello - thank you !!
22 Apr, 2013
under this comment you have a 'How do I say thanks?'
then an empty comment box.
type your thanks in the comment box. press the send button. and it does 'disappear' and then re appear in the pale green/grey box, like the ones above from other members.
22 Apr, 2013
Simbacat - the instructions are not 'gobbledy-gook' read what the girls have advised!
22 Apr, 2013
if you read the how to say thanks it has <p> etc. dont know what that means either.
23 Apr, 2013
It means start a paragraph. It should not be visible in the instructions. Never looked before.
23 Apr, 2013
Did you press Add Comment after you'd typed in your reply Simbacat?
24 Apr, 2013
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to say thank you all you need to do is add a comment to your own question. Maybe it will work next time you try. You could try adding a comment under this one, then you'll see how it works:)
22 Apr, 2013