By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Fritillary id still needed.
Bulbaholic directed me to an excellent site but I cant find a match for this 8 flowered fritillary. They were sold as F davisii which they are clearly not. All 3 bulbs are multi headed, an 8, 4 and 3. {noticed a 4 headed snakeshead tonight so is it me doing something wrong/right !}
Any ideas?

22 Apr, 2013
Some one from the Pacific Bulb society says he also bought some from the same company. they are in fact F elwissi.
I reckon a badly hand written label initially el lokking like a d then a and then vissi from a weird w issi.
still don't know why it is so multi flowered though.
22 Apr, 2013
Lets ahe a peek at the lower part of the stem, Sbg. I suspect that it is rather thicker than it should be and that the Frit is faciated. Nothing too wrong with that, it looks interesting.
22 Apr, 2013
No fasciation at all BA. This gentleman sent me photos of his and they are a match.
22 Apr, 2013
Other pictures of elwesii ( I don't have this) show that it can have mutiple flower heads, though on longer stems. Yours may elongate as the plant develops. I think will have to get some of these. (Oh no, not even more frits!!!!)
22 Apr, 2013
Taylors were the guilty party in the packaging. I clearly remember choising them for their simple single flowers. and this other gentleman [PBS memeber] bought them prepacked too.
They do seem to be getting taller as the plant ages. Wish I did I seem to be shrinking !
23 Apr, 2013
The flowers look a bit like Fritillaria Michailovskyi . I bought a pack of these 2 years ago but they never appeared above ground. Package says 20cm tall and show crimson and yellow multihead flowers. (I keep all my packaging for a couple of years just in case)
23 Apr, 2013
They are definitely F elwessii. Done a bit more research :o)
24 Apr, 2013
Previous question
Fritillaria pinardii ???
22 Apr, 2013