By Catherinek
can I cut my copper beech hedge in April - it is still covered in the old copper leaves, no greenery in sight yet.
Many thanks for any advice given!
23 Apr, 2013
My beech, in fact most of the trees are very late this year, they have buds that are starting to get ready to open, more of this lovely sunshine will help
Spring I think is at least three weeks later than normal this year
23 Apr, 2013
Thank you for the advise! I will leave the trimming until later in summer.
Catherine K
23 Apr, 2013
The advice we read and follow is to cut beech hedges in early autumn.
23 Apr, 2013
Generally we get the hedges cut in the autumn,
After the birds have finished nesting is important, some birds have second broods and. Dislike disturbance
Our are mixed country hedges so the man with the flail hedger does it.....
24 Apr, 2013
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I would leave it alone until it gets some new growth on, if you trim it now you will be cutting the new growing points off, and may take some time for it to develop new growth buds, Derek.
23 Apr, 2013