By Cb1
United Kingdom
i want to buy a rose/plant named florence, does any one know of any
22 Jan, 2010
This site says it has 'The Florence Rose' Good luck as I suspect there isnt one and its a come on?
22 Jan, 2010
there is a chrysanthemum 'Florenece' ,an osteospermum 'sunny florence' and an astrantia that i know off. Try googling 'plant varieties florence.'
welcome to GoY to Cb1
22 Jan, 2010
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I could not finde the rose you want, but if it is for remberance , there is one called thinking of you, a lovly red rose,and rember me, a lovly bronze irradiated with salmon and goald,they are both fragrance,as alternatives, they are at www. hope you find what you are looking for.
22 Jan, 2010