By Sto391
County Durham,
United Kingdom
My mother used to have a shrub/hedge type rose, pink in colour.It's flowers were small and dainty and it flowered prefusely late spring early summer.Two plants were grown against a 3ft high x 10ft long trellis and created a lovely hedge/garden divider effect.Anyone know what this might be called so I can look it up and where possibly to but one ?
22 Jan, 2010
what about dorothy perkins or little dorrit? I think they are small flowered roses. roses arent my 'thing' so to speak so i may be well off the mark.
welcome to GoY if I havent already done so :o)
22 Jan, 2010
Try American Pillar or Albertine.
22 Jan, 2010
Difficult one this! There are a lot of roses that it could be though the suggestions above certainly might fit the bill.
22 Jan, 2010
check out the David Austin rose site. they have lots of different types of roses including the older varieties
23 Jan, 2010
Thankyou for your responses.I will certainly look at these types and sites.
23 Jan, 2010
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have a look at rose hedges.
22 Jan, 2010