By Loomis
United Kingdom
Would you need to seek planning permission to install two 6ft x 6ft fence panels at the top end of my front garden so we can add a little private seating area on our front. Our garden is at least 60ft long.
2 May, 2013
Thank you for your answer I will get in touch with the local council just to be on the safe side.
2 May, 2013
Yes, Loomis, the only people who can answere your question are the local Planning Department. I don't see any reason that you would need planning permission but the rules in your area, just may, say differently. Most local authorities have a 'drop in' office where you can have an informal talk with a planning officer.
2 May, 2013
Yes i would agree with Bulbaholic,
different planning depts in different area's have different rules,
I do know you have no right to natural light ref tree height
But if your tree roots are going to cause problems with neighbours grains by growing underground onto their land then you can be in trouble,
Fencing ref any danger to passing public ie if you built a big high fence and a child was walking past and that fence fell and killed a child you will (as was the breeze block built wall killed a child 6 month ago in northwales)
be liable for court, a fence can be any material,
I again as said would check with the planning dept before you build any fence And then for "Your own" protection if you do get the go ahead make sure the fence is errected in a strong fixed way so your not injured via wind blowing the fence down.
2 May, 2013
firsly i am not spreading any scare stories,
what i said is fact and the builder who's lack of planning permission resulted in a young girl being killed and the the person who built this fence going to prison, all because the wall fell on this child due to no planning permit being given, A wall, a wooden fence, makes no differece, if you need planning and you decide to not apply and an accident happens "you will pay the price"
If you are fencing any area that the public or neighbours are going to suffer injury via your not being allowed without the planning dept giving the go ahead to build,
You are breaking the law.
The question was asked ref a "front fence" not a back fence,
I think you should take notice of what ive said,
I have not spread any scare stories but i hope ive shown what "DID" happen to a child via no planning permission asked for or given.
3 May, 2013
Previous question
I believe the only 'law' is that fences adjacent to a highway should be 1 metre unless you can obtain planning permission. A 6ft by 6ft fence in the back garden should not be breaking any law. You can grow a hedge any height anywhere.
2 May, 2013