By Peteg
United Kingdom
Bright yellow bulbs/corms. I've been asked to clean up a group of planters in a local pub. Amongst the weeds and 'other detritus' I've found a lot of bright yellow bulbs/corms, segmented almost like garlic, which the locals call 'lilies'. Help ... !!
5 May, 2013
Martagon lily bulbs are yellow so they might be those. But re plant them and see what you get as Derek suggests.
5 May, 2013
Wow - about 10 minutes for expert opinions!! Thanks, both. I will confidently claim they are Martagons then blame the landlord if they aren't! Many thanks, Derek & Seabg - hope you are both well and enjoying the first half-decent spring we've had for a while.
5 May, 2013
Hi, they probably are lillies, the bulbs can look a yellowy colour, and they are segmented like garlic, plant them in a deep pot, 4 to 6 " deep, and see what comes up, Derek.
5 May, 2013