By Chatbud
Why aren't my spider lily bulbs growing?
I bought this pair of baby bulbs 2 weeks ago for just $2! When i transplanted them, I noticed they had some sort of root rot (soggy, flattish and 'loose'). The soil they came in was clay-like and wet.
I took great care not to overwater them (had nightmarish experiences with phalaenopsis). Yesterday I accidentally overturned one of them and couldn't help noticed the roots seem in way better condition and also the soil was kinda dry.
Am I underwatering these 2 bulbs? Can spider lily take direct sun and all? I noticed no new leaves were coming from within the 'crown'. Wondering what I did wrong.
(I'm at East Asia, 34 deg C at daytime with high humidity 60-90%)
Thank you for answering my questions.
6 May, 2013
Are we talking about Hymenocallis? If so which species?
If so I find Hymenocallis festallis easy to grow and bloom here in the UK. How deep were the bulbs in the soil? I plant mine with the top third of the bulb above the soil. No water until new growth emerges. Bulbs need to be large to bloom - at least 50mm or so. I start my first pot off in April here, so they're in a south facing window sill, but the later plantings are started off on the floor of the greenhouse out of direct sun.
As I say, that is for H.festalis.
6 May, 2013
BA - two weeks is about normal! They are easy to grow usually.
6 May, 2013
Perhaps if the roots grew well when you watered less overwatering isn't a problem? Were they both soggy when you got them? I should carry on as you are for a bit and see what happens, though it would be surprising if a really soggy one recovered.
6 May, 2013
Thank you to the experts above for replying!
Yes, it is Hymenocallis though I've no idea the exact name. The flowers are white; commonly found as landscape plants.
I think the nursery ppl 'tore' these bulbs from the mother bulb to sell, hence $2 for 2. I was not being specific - these 2 bulbs have 2 leaves each.
Perhaps I'm being impatient. I recently acquired a bunch of slow-growing and sick (some) plants cheaply. 10+ phalaenopsis - most of them with rotting roots (4 grew new roots), the arborvitae that I was asking, the originally gorgeous cypress goldcrest now with brown tips which got me worried and the bougainvillea which shed all its leaves 2-3 wks ago and started sprouting shoots yest! YAY!
I love this site/forum!
7 May, 2013
Did you notice the size of the bulbs when the pot fell?
One other thing - serious root damage can cause them to miss a seasons blooming. If they were torn from the mother plant this could be the case.
7 May, 2013
The bulbs are about the size of regular onions. Do they like damp soil? I am placing them directly under the hot blazing sun now (32°C). They get about 4-5 hours of sun daily. The soil drys out fast I have to drench them daily!
9 May, 2013
Previous question
« I have this arborvitae for close to 3 months now (think it's the 'Emerald...
I have no experience of spider lilies, Chatbud, but you might want to look at this page:
My own contribution to your question would be to say that if the base of the bulb was wet and soggy then it might well be dead - $2 is a very low price to pay fot two bulbs. Secondly, I would have thought that two weeks was rather a short time to expect to see them growing?
6 May, 2013