By Sparkle44
United Kingdom
Does anyone know what this plant is? my Mum obtained it from a cutting and we wondered how to care for it and when and how to take another cutting
Thanks Kay :)

24 Jan, 2010
But lilies don't have more than one stem, do they? I don't think it's a lily.....sorry.
24 Jan, 2010
It's a Peperomia, one of the "window leaf" types with a translucent stripe down each leaf. I think because of the narrowness of the leaves that it is likely to be P. ferreyrae though it could be a narrow leaved form of P. dolabriformis or even a hybrid between these two. Nice plant and pretty indestructible too!!!
25 Jan, 2010
Many thanks all! It is definitely not a lily for sure so must be a Peperomia, thanks Fractal. What a helpful site this is :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
25 Jan, 2010
Should have read all your enquiry Kay. You could take a cutting any time with this plant. As it's a succulent from semi-desert areas of South America, best root it direct into a gritty compost mix. Leave to dry off between waterings though.
25 Jan, 2010
many thanks Fractal..I really appreciate your advice :))
26 Jan, 2010
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look abit like lilly leaves to me??
24 Jan, 2010