By Snoopdog
United Kingdom
is dungy having a day off ?no blog been in france that long must be getting longer breaks.
9 May, 2013
Hello Dungy, i too am in the Limousin, albeit part time, when you say largish garden centre in France are we talking about Gam Vert ? do they have a garden club scheme similar to the wyvale one, Have you been to the Garden nursey in St Laurent la Gore, good quality shrubs and trees in various stages of growth at very reasonable prices, on a recent visit i purchased the following, Kerria, Picea, Abies, Thuja, juniper blue star, deutzia, lonicera baggesons gold x2, all with good root systems and none pot bound, and all far bigger in comparison to what you would buy here in the uk, total cost for these plants was 43 euros but he gave me discount and i got the lot for 40 euros, brought a decent load of Hornbeam last year from them and they were cheap but strong and sturdy and doing really well, worth a visit, its down Nexon way.
9 May, 2013
Nice for you two to be able to compare notes. :0)
As to the roses Dungy, I did the NCH at the local ag. college some years ago and there when pruning roses we were told not to "faff about" cutting at angles.........
10 May, 2013
Hi Dungy. I had to laugh when you told me to put my African Violet on
" The pill" a couple of weeks ago, but shame on you for suggesting I stop the mother plant from breeding :-):-):-).
On the pruning subject. I was once told the only reason why its best to prune roses at an angle is, the rain runs off easier and could stop the rot.
10 May, 2013
Well hello folks,
Manythanks for your replies and it is nice to know ive an english lady here in france "im going to send her an "e"mail and have a chat,
Now ref the rose prune this "No No that way" Yes i was also told the english way was because of rain and helping to fall off!!!!!!!!!!!
The french say their way stops so much die back on the cut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
This is the thing i like ref gardening "We can all have a chance to pass on what we've learnt over the years and im really pleased to have made some nice friends on this forum,
I like a lot of folk am a creature of habbit,
ie every morning i walk around the garden "cup in hand" and have a look to see what's appeared over night,
The greenhouse is next and the watering cans out & window opened (ive one window thats hand opperated and three that have automatic opening devices on them,
But the sad side of being a creature of habbit is i like to read the news on my P.C,
I feel so angry and so sad when i read another 14 or15 year old is dead due to being a stabbing victim,
and the latest news ref those young ladies in the usa being hidden away and treated as sex slaves.
It's times like these i sit and think how lucky we are just enjoying a simple hobby such as gardening and why cant others just except the simple life ?
Ive a lot to thank my interest in the garden for and the people like you who share just an interest in our saying hi and what are you growing.
Thanks folks thanks.
10 May, 2013
Hi Snoopdog,
No im not having a day off,
and how are you?
Infact i was thinking of some of the garden centre's i visited back in the uk,
Im a member here of one of the largest garden centre's here in france but the french ones are not a patch on the larger uk ones.
Gardening here is a bit different to the uk, take rose prunning, here they prune across the branch,
in the uk they prune at an angle,
And a lot of the french grow to eat and the brits tend to grow a lot of flowers & veg.
The good thing ref france is the weather for gardening we do get a summer here every year and the extra heat brings germination on a lot quicker.
Well it co co time so i'll say good night to snoopdog
and enjoy your gardening.
9 May, 2013