By Chatbud
Pls help me id this conifer.
Thank you.
I saw this lone 1-ft tall conifer at the nursery and I simply have to haul it back! It seems to be in the pink of health. The best part is the price tag - $8!
I assume the water regimen and light requirement should be the same as the thuja and cypress goldcrest? Thank you

10 May, 2013
It looks like a Norfolk Island Pine. The pot looks small so I would be inclined to pot it up. As long as there are no frosts, it will grow large!
10 May, 2013
Hi Chatbud, I agree with Kildermorie, norfolk island pine, but instead of repotting it is it possible to plant in the ground, this grows into quite a large tree, 80 to 150 ft, with a spread of 20 to 25 ft, so impossible to keep in a pot, Derek.
10 May, 2013
Shame they are not hardy in mainland UK as they are lovely trees, esp when small. They feel almost rubber like and soft, not at all like a conifer.
10 May, 2013
A beautiful tropical conifer! Be forewarned, though--a mature specimen can drop 5 kg cones! Best not to plant it next to a path or patio.
10 May, 2013
ooh this is gorgeous. pity its not hardy here.
11 May, 2013
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10 May, 2013