By Chatbud
Quick question on my cypress goldcrest. Pic was taken at 1pm in the afternoon when it was about 33°C.
I underwatered this fella after repotting it. A lot of the bottom this side turned brown. I drenched it more often now and managed to save it (I think) after Derek commented on my water regimen. I parted the needles and could see tiny green shoots appearing from the bark.
Question is will the bottom part grow back?

12 May, 2013
Previous question
Hi Chatbud, if you just rub your hand through the brown bits, this should get rid of it, and encourage rejuvenation, don't allow the compost to dry out before watering, it's better to have too much than too little.
I'm glad it appears to have survived for you, Derek.
12 May, 2013