By Cookygirl41
mid glamorgan,
United Kingdom
Can I sow sweetpea seeds direct into the ground now?
19 May, 2013
End of March/early April they can be sown in open ground.
19 May, 2013
If you place your seeds in a cup or jar of warm "not boiling" water over night the shell of the sweetpea seeds will soften and also any seeds that float are no good and will not germinate,
By doing this softening of the seeds you'll get a quicker germination and the seeds have a less chance of rotting in the ground due to rain rain & more rain And you'll know all the seeds you've sown are good seed.
19 May, 2013
The majority of top exhibition growers, and all reputable suppliers of sweet peas, apart from one, don't recommend soaking.
From personal experience, there is no difference in germination rate. Even seeds that have "swelled" don't always germinate.
19 May, 2013
I would still try and grow them in pots in a greenhouse or on a window sill. The extra warmth will bring them on sooner. You can plant them out when a decent size. Otherwise, I would be happy to plant direct in a container as I fear that slugs will crop them if grown direct in the ground.
20 May, 2013
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« hi i think i have a garden invader is this friend or foe ?
I planted my sweetpea seeds in the ground about a fortnight ago...and they are coming through...or is it weeds again?
19 May, 2013