By Kookie
South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I planted a golden elder Sambucus last year nice and healthy, it put on quite a bit of growth too... This year started really well lovely fresh encouraging foliage, but now looks like its on its last legs, limp and lifeless (bit like me!!!) not sure what the problem is, other plants around it seem ok, any ideas please?
19 May, 2013
Oops! Sorry no pic but it looks like lack of water, but can assure you no lack of rain here lol don't know if this helps thank you
19 May, 2013
If it's not lack of water, but it's looking very wilted, have you any trouble with vine weevils? If the grubs have eaten the sambuscus roots it could look like that? Just guessing.
19 May, 2013
it could be too wet. if the roots are standing in water then they will not be getting enough oxygen. Try forking around the stem and see if that helps.
a photo would help if you can get one. :o)
19 May, 2013
Previous question
Have you got a photo of it? That would help a lot!
19 May, 2013