By Urbanite
United Kingdom
When's the right time to take rose cuttings?
I have a Mrs Herbert Stevens (white climber) that took 10 years to establish and flower and now I'm about to move house. It was the first plant that I ever bought and would love to take it with me but it is now about 20 ft tall up the side of my house so I'll have to settle for taking a little piece of it. I've only seen it for sale twice in 30 years - when I bought mine and a week or so ago in a garden centre at £18 for a very small specimen.
What are the chances of a dozen or so cuttings now plunged into sharp sand/potting compost?
21 May, 2013
Now this is coincidence - A good friend remarked to me recentley that he was on the lookout for Rosa 'Mrs Herbert Stevens'..., he wanted one.
We did a bit of web-digging and came up with very little result. It is, as you say Urbanite, elusive or very expensive.
I can only suggest taking both hardwood and softwood cuttings; As many as you can!
And should you strike lucky, might I put my hand up if any are spare? :-)
Good luck.
22 May, 2013
Go for it, Urbanite, nothing ventured nothing gained! The extended winter and late spring we have had may work in your favour.
22 May, 2013
If you are not moving too far away and you get on with the buyers why don't you try asking if you can pop back at the right time of year to take the appropriate cuttings?
22 May, 2013
Decided to 'go for it' as it needs some judicious pruning anyway - kept putting it off because the weather was so bad but it's run riot with a few warmer days. Will certainly let you know how it goes. I'll be doing some Dr Van Fleet cuttings but I know that they will take no matter what, any time of year - it's virtually indestructible! (The ones I have of this are cuttings from a 60 year old plant from my parents house where it used to survive my father cutting it down to the ground every year).
22 May, 2013
It's a bit in-between, as you probably realise. Too early for semi-ripe cuttings and too late for hardwood. You can but try, if you have to move, (or perhaps arrange a visit late in the year to take cuttings then?). Trouble is, cuttings taken now will struggle to stay turgid and fresh for long enough for the nodal tissue to produce roots. A late try at an older, but healthy young stem section might be the best way forward, I think. I'd be interested to hear what others think.
21 May, 2013