By Growie
United Kingdom
Wisteria question. I bought a Wisteria sinesis amethyst from the garden centre last weekend. I read a lot about choosing a plant with flowers. The plant was full of buds, but also lots of leaves. Was wondering if this is the case of mistaken identity or mislabelling. I understand there is another American type. I wondered if what I bought was in fact Amethyst Falls which is an American species? I was expecting a sinesis not to have green leaves as they only grow after flowering. However, I was hoping that what i got was a flowering sinesis, perhaps grown in a greenhouse before to trick it to flower? Help and advice appreciated!

23 May, 2013
Hi Worthy1, thanks for your reassurance. Just took a photo and posted it. Does this look like an amethyst ot amethyst fall? Any advice and further comments appreciated!! Thanks again.
24 May, 2013
Certainly looks the right style for Amethyst Falls. And I would expect the leaves to accompany the flowers anyway with this cultivar. So, I reckon that's what you've got, and NOT W. sinensis 'Amethyst'. The two differ in colour (A.F is bluer), and size. Wisteria sinensis 'Amethyst' is a vigorous plant, reaching several metres. The plant you've pictured is small, and if it were a W. sinensis cultivar I would not expect it to bear flower at that size.
24 May, 2013
Thanks for your comments Worthy1. You are experienced in wisteria field!! That is my guess as well, that this is an american cultivar!! I have since gone to my garden centre and splurged out on a W. Domino 8 foot, but full of buds!! It is in the house at the moment and I will plant it out when the wind drops a bit!! I must say I am relieved!! I have uploaded another photo! I wish and pray the vigorous growth that forum members are describing will really come true and smother the house with their blooms!
24 May, 2013
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This year, along with many plants, wisteria are a little late into flower so the leaves have caught up. Plus, it may have been grown on in a protected spot to get the flowers showing for the sales table, and that protection will probably have triggered the plant into leaf as well. The period between flower and leaf is only a matter of a week or two, which time period is shortened considerably the later the plant comes into flower/the warmer the environment is. It's unusual for wisteria to be wrongly labelled as there are (fortunately in my view) still relatively few cultivars by comparison with many other plants available today
24 May, 2013