By Wohlibuli
gwinnett county, georgia,
United States
I would like to grow sweet peas and stock this year and I understand these prefer cool temps. Here in Georgia we have a short spring. So how early can I start seeds outdoors. Our last spring frost is about April 15 but by June 1 we have temps in 80's F. How low a temp can they tolerate. If I plant now will they sprout and if they do should I cover them if we get a freeze. Last nights temp was 26F but daytime temp is predicted to be 65F.
Advice on making these work is appreciated!
27 Jan, 2010
Can you start your sweet peas in pots on a cool windowsill? They'd be off to a better start if you could. Make sure that you prepare the soil as they are hungry feeders and like well-composted soil and being fed every week once they're in growth in the garden.
27 Jan, 2010
by the way sweetpeas love clay and can extract the nuterents from it,
27 Jan, 2010
Thank you for the responses. I think I will try to sprout them indoors first and maybe with some protection I can put them out in Feb. Fingers crossed! Maybe it will be an early spring : )
Good to know Cliffo as the soil around here is commonly know as the "red clay of Georgia" a direct quote from Margaret Mitchell's "Gone with the Wind". Thanks again.
29 Jan, 2010
I would soe after the frost has gon out of the ground and the soil starts to worm up,sweet peas in full sun and if it is nightsented stock soe in the shade to get the sent starting late afternoon ,rather than wate until the evening,
27 Jan, 2010