By Sophiemears
United Kingdom
Can anyone identify this seedling please? I suspect it is either a poppy, or aubretia.
thanks. x
hmmm. Just an update, beginning to wonder about this seedling, (I say this seedling, but there are hundreds of them now around the garden). New photo shows some growth, and it is around 4 cm across. Outgrowing all the aubretia leaves. Does anyone still think it might be aubretia?

25 May, 2013
If that's the case Andy, then I'm really lucky as there are a lot of them, and I love aubretia.
25 May, 2013
I'm growing some Aubretia from seed at the moment, they look just like yours, Derek.
25 May, 2013
I'm almost certain it's an aubretia. I've grown thousands from seeds on my nursery
25 May, 2013
Looks a bit like Aubretia
25 May, 2013