By Gattina
Daphne odorata - can anyone tell me how big these grow and what conditions suit them best please? Is it possible to grow them in big tubs? How hardy are they?
27 May, 2013
Thank you so much, Derek - very useful. Do they care much about soil pH?
29 May, 2013
Hi Gattina, they don't seem to be too concerned about ph, slightly alkaline to slightly acid is fine, Derek.
29 May, 2013
Hi Gattina, they have an eventual height and spread of about 5 ft, they're frost hardy down to about minus 5c, they like a humous rich, fairly fertile, well drained,but not dry soil, in full sun or part shade, they should be alright in very large tubs, I say very large because they resent their roots being disturbed, and they're not very keen on being pruned either, so keep pruning to a minimum, they're pruning group 1 or 8, hope this has helped, Derek.
28 May, 2013