United Kingdom
have just bought a dwarf fan palm, 'chamaerops humilis'.
supposed to be the only palm native to europe i.e. withstands cold better than most. if planting in a tub long term, what is the best compost to use, multipurpose or john innes? thanks!
29 May, 2013
thanks! i will use john innes with grit added.
30 May, 2013
Hi Richierich, as far as I am aware this plant is only half hardy, and can only withstand temperatures down to freezing for short periods, a much hardier palm is Trachcarpus fortuneii, I have 1 of these in my garden, and when we had the very cold winters a couple of years ago, the temp dropped to minus 22c, and it flowered earlier that year, so very hardy, Derek.
31 May, 2013
I would probably use John Innes no 1 or 2 and mix in about 20% sharp sand or grit. Palms don't like to be in heavy, wet soil so good drainage is essential.
29 May, 2013