By Rharrison
United States
I received a cyclamen for my bday which was just before memorial day. I got it on a wed and left my office that day for the holiday. I was gone until the following tues. I didn't water the plan because I had read to not over water and that they have this dormant stage that should be approaching. It was beautiful and blooming. when I returnd it was wilted looking and many of the leaves are yellow. Did I kill it? Should I pick off the dying leaves like you do with other house plants? Should I continue to water or is it going into the dormant period where you are not supposed to over water? I have it in front of a window and my office is generally cold so I don't think it was over heated as I have read others have had problems with this.

29 May, 2013
Thanks for the help that makes me feel better!!
29 May, 2013
Make sure you water from the bottom. House cyclamen do not have the same dormant stage that the hardy species grown in the garden do.
29 May, 2013
Its a good idea to stand it on a saucer containing perhaps half an inch depth of coarse grit, and water the saucer rather than the top of the pot. This ensures that the pot isn't standing in water but it does produce a mini climate of humidity which suits the plant very well. Don't have in in direct sun if you can avoid it - they do best on a north windowsill. Cyclamen make it quite obvious if they are feeling to dry - the leaves flag a bit but soon pick up again. They have flushes of flower and then a little rest.
29 May, 2013
Good suggestion Stera...
29 May, 2013
Not my idea - a bod at work told me years ago.
1 Jun, 2013
T his will be fine. Pick off the yellow leaves and water the plant so that it is nicely moist. Then keep it damp but not wet. it will recover.
29 May, 2013