By Janc
United Kingdom
my sunflowers are in pots on window ledge, they are approx 6" tall with 4 leaves, should I pinch out new leaves to encourage stronger stems?
29 May, 2013
Do remember to harden them off well before putting them in the permanent position, they will need staking too,
29 May, 2013
Thank you!! You have saved their lives lol ;) As they are so spindly, should I stake them with wooden skewers? x
29 May, 2013
No, don't pinch them out or you will get a branching plant and not a tall sunflower plant. They are in need of some good sunshine and warmth, as most things are at the moment. Make sure that they are in a large enough pot and hope that the sun shines soon.
29 May, 2013