By Gpark
Hi Folks
I hope someone can help i have a cordliyne simalar to the dawnsaunt it is the center peice in my garden, I live is Co kidare in Ireland, The tree has been planted for about 2years now and is about 15 feet tall, and up until December it was growing well and looking great!! until we got heavy snow and strong winds and now it has snaped atbout 3 feet from the top of the tree. should i chop the broken bit off the top of the tree or should i leave it. any infomation would be great.
Many thanks
29 Jan, 2010
Previous question
If it is snapped i think i would prune it and then hope it would resprout from dormant buds. it will probably ended up as multi stemmed.
welcome to GoY too.
29 Jan, 2010