By Hazelgm
United Kingdom
i have just moved to a flat with a public footpath running along the side of the garden and was thinking of putting some screening up for privacy. can anyone recomend the best?.there are 5ft concrete posts with galvanised wire fencing attatched at the moment ??
6 Jun, 2013
I'd do two things here, go for "A Hawthorn bush"
they are a nice reddish colour grow well and will screen well "But also they have sharp thorns on them that wil deter anyone from climbing over them.
Google Hawthorn hedging for a full detailes account of these bushes.
6 Jun, 2013
thank you x
7 Jun, 2013
Previous question
Well, if its privacy you want then the screening would obviously have to be at leased 6ft, woven fencing springs to mind.
6 Jun, 2013