By Bobfos
County Durham,
United Kingdom
A wisteria floribunda "Domino"over a trellis about 4 metres long has been snapped by a dog close to the ground. Is it possible for me to get the snapped ends to root again and if so how?
29 Jan, 2010
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If snapped off completely Bob then unlikely to be able to save it esp if this is close to the ground and below the graft joint . The snapped woody stems do not lend themselves to propogation.
Many of the floribundas are grafted on to old root stock so any growth below this joint would not be true to type any way.
If the stem not completely snapped you may be able to seal with gaffer or duck tape.A hard prune would help the plant concentrate on stem repair . It is possible to layer wisteria but you need a healthy side shoot attached to the plant .
29 Jan, 2010