By Motherinlaw1
United Kingdom
dicentra spectablis i have one that looks very sorry, for itself, could it be an annual or is it a perrenial
On plant
Dicentra spectabilis
30 Jan, 2010
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shade plants
If it is in the position Hywel has described, I wouldn't be too worried about it. As soon as the weather warms up, it will spring into new growth. If you need to move it, treat it very gently as the roots are very brittle
30 Jan, 2010
The ones in my garden are all safely tucked away under the soil and will not show any signs of lige until March or even April.
30 Jan, 2010
Yes - I was a bit surprised to hear that you can see it - are you sure it is D. spectabilis?
30 Jan, 2010
a couple of mine are poking their noses through. this is the time they did last year but I hope the cold doesnt nip them too much. [another 1/2" of snow today :o(]
30 Jan, 2010
OK - I must take a look tomorrow! It would be lovely to see them. :-))
30 Jan, 2010
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It's a perenial. Maybe you have it in the wrong situation. They like dappled shade and moist soil.
30 Jan, 2010