By Janjan59
United Kingdom
Hello last year we had a large 150 yr old oak tree cut down as the roots were damaging neighbouring buildings. We now have a view of our end of garden neibours houses which I am eager to block out. I am looking for a fast growing tree not a dense tree, that loves water, as if I dig down 12 inches there is water sitting in my garden. Nothing with large roots! Preferebly an evergreen.
- 10 Jun, 2013
Any fast growing tree to fill the space will tend to be a large tree ultimately. To find an evergreen which will tolerate that much wet might be a struggle. Mangrove comes to mind! I would use a deciduous tree, perhaps an Alnus (alder) or Nyssa (tupelo) cultivar instead. It's surprising how much a twiggy tree can take your eye off an unwanted view. What's the soil, clay, acid?
11 Jun, 2013
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Personally I wouldn't be in a hurry to replace such a large tree that had done damage with another big tree. All big trees will have large roots I would have thought. Enjoy the extra light and space you have now, you'll soon get used to your new view.
10 Jun, 2013