By Pdb
United Kingdom
I know you are supposed to start seeds for perennials early in the year but I was wondering if its ok to start them off now? And if not what is the reason. I know they wouldn't flower this year.
As I have to start them off in the house in Feb/March the heating is usually on and they end up straggly. Just thought it may make a bit of sense then they could go straight in greenhouse and they would get the temp they are supposed to. Thank you
11 Jun, 2013
depends on the plants. some need a short time of chilling, others need certain daylight hours etc. You can try but as I say depends on which plant you want to grow.
11 Jun, 2013
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there's no reason why you shouldn't grow perennials from seed starting now. starting them earlier does give them more time to establish before the winter but there's still 5 months of growing time so I'd certainly give them a try
11 Jun, 2013