By Joyciehelen
United Kingdom
my question is how is it possible that I am getting shoots from my apple tree in severable places in my lawn.the roots are deep I am getting quite annoyed at having to dig up my lawn as I have spent a lot of time and money to get it as it is please help.
12 Jun, 2013
My old plum tree does just the same, they get mowed off but the ones in the flower bed are a nightmare
12 Jun, 2013
Cherry trees are the worst for this usually, not heard of such a problem with apple, but they are all Prunus. Not much you can do really - these suckers are coming off large roots beneath your lawn which have extended from the tree itself, and all you can do is wrench them off. The alternative is to remove the offending tree, along with the major roots, then relay the lawn.
12 Jun, 2013