I have tomato plants in the greehouse
By Portobello
United Kingdom
I have tomato plants in the greenhouse (some beefsteak some alicante) I am happy with the amount of trusses so far but I'm a bit concerned with the amount of leaves ! I've never seen tomato plants with so many leaves - they are really dense (and seem to be growing bushy rather than up) Any tomato experts out there can give me advice I would be very grateful. p.s. forgot to say I have been pinching out all the side shoots too !
12 Jun, 2013
One of the main reasons for having to much leave growth is feeding the toms before the fruit is formed,
Have you been feeding befor any sign of flower or fruit?
Now let us know the answer to this question as it could help other's?
12 Jun, 2013
Thanks Moongrower do I take the complete stalk off back to the main stem ? how many could I take off in each plant ? I didnt know if this would shock the plants thats why I have left them on so far although I have been tempted. Dungy , I started feeding them with Tomorite just a couple of days ago as I read somewhere that you should start feeding when you have at least 4 trusses on the plant .... would you agree with that or not ? most of the bushiness started weeks ago before I started feeding ! can you think of any other reason why they are not growing UP the way ? Guys many Thanks for all your help with this.
12 Jun, 2013
Hi porto,
I bet it's raining in your garden?
Anyway back to your for ever growing toms,
These sound like they've been fed before to me, but never worry,
Why not just keep taking any "new" side growth off and keep what you've got until you see the flowers !!!!!!!!!
Once the flowers show and it should be anytime now then you'll know where the fruit is and you can then start to feed,
this way you'll at least know your getting toms,
Once the plant is producing then keep removing to top tips this will keep your plant at that height,
The idea of leaves on tomato plants are protection from the sun, but as ive said before later in the year as the sun's not out so much its a good thing to remove the leaves so the fruit can get ripe quicker.
Keep the plants watered and do not let the compost dryout "If you do not water enough you'll have tomato's that'll split .
Keep intouch and let us know how they turn out,
and say "Hello to mrs brown & her boys from me,
i think she's great.
Regards Dungy.
13 Jun, 2013
Hi Dungy , Honest to God I really only fed them for the first time 2/3 days ago and I have got loads of flowers (have had for a few weeks) Should I NOT feed them again until I see an actual tomato or should I continue now that I've started ? Sorry to pester but you sound like the tomato expert ! And yes it is raining in Ireland (but last 2 weeks have been beautiful) ah well .... The rain is good for the leeks and cabbages ! Mrs Brown says "bonjour" back to you!
13 Jun, 2013
I'm sure MG is so happy to hear that ! Just as well you live in another country !
Thankyou for all your help with my toms , still a bit unsure whether I should take off some leaves ?? Will follow your advice on feeding.
And half of Mrs Browns words are "French" are they not ?
13 Jun, 2013
You can remove some of the lower leaves and more as the trusses develop.
12 Jun, 2013