By Jenfren
United Kingdom
Is anyone else fed up with daffodil leaves that refuse to die down ? Mine are flopping onto the lawn and the weeds are growing up through them, should I cut them off in spite of the fact that they are still green. On the plus side I still have a Christmas poinsettia that is looking very perky and still has its coloured bits. I bought a pink one as someone said they lasted longer, I think they were right !
13 Jun, 2013
Can't you scoop them up and make them bend the other way? They'd have gone by now in a normal June - a few more hot days should do it - we should be so lucky!
13 Jun, 2013
Mine are still looking good so I'm happy to keep them as is for the moment. I'm hoping this will mean better flowering next year.
I am having to weed and trim grass around them though.
14 Jun, 2013
Just a thought.....what if you cut the leaves off but fed the bulbs with a general fertiliser? Would that not do the same think as leaving the leaves on to feed the bulbs for next year?
14 Jun, 2013
Jenfren, if its been six weeks since the flowers passed, you can cut the foliage off right at the base - the six week period is sufficient for the bulbs to store enough food for next year.
14 Jun, 2013
John - sorry, no it wouldn't.
Snoop, tying them in knots prevents the bulbs being fed
Its bad news week!
14 Jun, 2013
Steragram's right - for Johnp58, and Snoop, the foliage on the bulbs should be left as it is, without tying it up or removing it, for six weeks post flowering, and preferably feed should be applied during this time. After six weeks, as I said, the foliage can be removed.
14 Jun, 2013
For the more impatient of my customers who can't stand any "untidiness" I trim off about a third of the leaves of daffodils and this seems to reduce them flopping about. They still seem to flower OK next year although i agree with Bamboo that,if at all possible, leave them 6 weeks before removing foliage
14 Jun, 2013
And even better, plant miniature daffodils such as tete a tete, much less foliage laying about
15 Jun, 2013
Thanks, will give them a haircut
15 Jun, 2013
This is why I don't plant bulbs in the borders but in pots so I can put them out of the way to die down where I can't see them! I have crocus that grow like weeds and I'm forever trying to dig them out but haven't succeeded yet. I really don't like them growing up and through other plants then looking untidy for ages.
13 Jun, 2013