By Marion1
United Kingdom
I love honeysuckle but whenever I grow them either in a sunny place in the garden or a shaded place the leaves always seem to go a funny colour so I end up pulling them out. Can you advise what this could possibly be and also the best variety to purchase. I would like a bright red one if possible. Sorry I have no picture to show you of the problem.
16 Jun, 2013
If that's what it is there's no need to get rid as you can spray with fungicide.
17 Jun, 2013
It explains how to cope with honeysuckle problems on the link I have given. It does say destroy affected parts of the plant at the end of the season. It should say do not allow dead affected leaves to lie around as they will overwinter spores of the fungus and you will have it again the following year. It definitely does not mean chuck the plant away. A mulch on the soil after you get rid of affected leaves etc will help keep the spores from becoming active the following Spring. Good luck with it.
17 Jun, 2013
Previous question
It could bea fungal disease eg powdery mildew. Have a look at this link
it will not kill your plant but it can make it look pretty awful. Warm days and humid nights tend to be the problem. Have a look and if you can't find what you are looking for do come back.
16 Jun, 2013