By Irene24
United Kingdom
Hi all havent been on for a bit as I have been gardening it just seems to take longer than I want as the hands dont work very well ( arthritis) any way my question is at what time can you take hardy geranium seed my friends got lots of flowers that have died back and there seems to be a lot of seed on the geranium is it ok to take seeds now ? and when can i sow the seeds?
18 Jun, 2013
You'll need to wait until the seed is ripe to collect and sow. So keep an eye on the seed heads and once they start to open then is the time to collect the seed.
19 Jun, 2013
I'm not completely sure but mine sow themselves around the garden so gather some up and sow some now and see what happens! Good luck, they are a pretty plant and the bees like them too. :)
18 Jun, 2013