By Raine
United Kingdom
help what has eaten all the leaves off my gooseberry bush not hardly any fruit was on it.raine
20 Jun, 2013
Gooseberry sawfly is the most likely culprit. Give the bush a high nitrogen feed and it will soon grow new leaves. The ones in the hedgerow along our lane suffer this every year and still produce fruit and grow well.
20 Jun, 2013
Ah yes Sawfly larvae are caterpillar-like but not caterpillars as such.
20 Jun, 2013
They are amazing - can strip a bush almost overnight. We used to use Derris dust on them before it became a NONO.
(I'm talking early 1950s here...)
20 Jun, 2013
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« We planted Paul's Himalayan Musk last Autumn. It is taking ages to grow and...
Caterpillars are the most likely culprits esp is the leaves are shredded looking. Look under the leaves for them - there may be a few dozen of them and quite small.
20 Jun, 2013