By Robertdow
United Kingdom
Can anyone give me some tips for growing leeks this is the first time I have tried have you got to put some kind of collar round them to keep them white I have filled the holes with water
20 Jun, 2013
You don't have to put a collar round them unless you are going in for showing and are very experienced! I ridge ours up as they get to some sort of size then keep ridging up until they are ready for use.
20 Jun, 2013
Thanks for your comments they are very helpful
21 Jun, 2013
I usually sow in march/april (by the moon - but that's me!) Then anytime after the longest day (21st june in UK) when they're big enough, I make deep holes with a dibber (or a stick!) then throw a leek seedling in, and add plenty of water, then the nice friable small grains of soil follow down into the hole. The water settles the soil in. I'll give it a few days to settle in - then get a mulch on quick - to stop the weeds and keep the moisture in. They don't get any more water or feed - BUT - I do put compost on all the beds in spring or autumn. Sometimes well-rotted manure, sometimes my own made compost, sometimes the black stuff you get from the council. I also use comfrey - minced up in the shredder, to mulch as much as possible. I believe if you feed the soil regularly - it will feed you back!
Last winter's leeks were 3" across - monsters!!
20 Jun, 2013