Trees for pivacy
By Mitqu92
United States
Our neighbours have just changed their dormer frosted glass window to a transparent window which directly overlooks our patio. We are looking for a tree to be grown between the patio and fence near the house so require a small trunk and an umbrella dome shaped top.
8 Jun, 2008
There is an evergreen tree that resembles a pencil (I call it pencil evergreen but that probably is not the correct name but a garden center will know what you are talking about by the description) that grows really fast and gets very tall. They are very narrow but 2 or 3 together would work quite nicely as a vision blocker
In the "old" days, Drive-In theatres that bordered a main highway or throughfare would plant these trees very close together and they produced a very esthetically attractive vision block that didn't require cutting down any trees.
Hope this helps
Miss Flitterbug
9 Jun, 2008
Miss Flitterbug
9 Jun, 2008
Betulam Tristis? Nice small weeping birch, which will attract the birds
8 Jun, 2008