By Clareabella
United Kingdom
Can I uproot my over grown parsley & my thyme from my border n place into pots?
24 Jun, 2013
Yes you can lift your thyme and pot a piece of it. Make sure the compost isn't too rich.
24 Jun, 2013
You might be able to move the parsley if you think its worth it, as long as you take plenty of root and keep it watered, but it would probably be as well to leave it where it is for the rest of the summer. If you prevent it flowering it might last a bit longer than if you don't.
24 Jun, 2013
I find 2 year old Parsley is tough. Best to sow a new batch of seed.
25 Jun, 2013
Thankhu, am going to sow some more n give what I have to friends.
25 Jun, 2013
Previous question
« Members and non members I've just been reading some old blogs and seen that...
Parsley is a Bi-ennial. Sow new seed now, ready to plant out to make a good supply for the winter. I plant mine in good multi-purpose compost in an old baby bath with the
plug removed. Must remember to stand this on a couple of bricks for better drainage. Gives an excellent supply all winter.
Parsley contains more Vitamin C. than Citrus fruits which cause Arthritis. Chop and sprinkle on savoury meals all winter.
24 Jun, 2013