What does a cistus plant look like or can you identifyThe plant in the photo?
By Mazmann
United Kingdom
What does a cistus plant look like or can you identify
The plant in the photo?
Thanks m mann
Many thanks Andy and bulbaholic I did'nt know I was that
Clever?? Once again thank you so much all I have to do now is find a replacement as it is growing out of the soil
As it is tilting over!!?? MM

24 Jun, 2013
Agree, Cistus.
24 Jun, 2013
I wouldn't move it - its a lovely one. I wonder why you need to find a replacement? It may be tilting away from the wall/hedge behind it as cistus are sun lovers, but it looks very healthy. Many of them are lightly scented too - have you had a sniff?
24 Jun, 2013
Cistus corbariensis, one of the neatest and longest flowering. Masses of gleaming white fried eggs. They don't move well, because the roots are surprisingly sparse and sprawling, so the rootball doesn't hang together. Cistus generally aren't long lived. I would enjoy that one there, and find another for a new spot. Look up cistus x dansereaui (low habit, big white flower with dark blotch at the base of each petal), or C. pulverulentus 'Sunset' for a hot pink.
25 Jun, 2013
So disappointed to hear they aren't long lived - how long is long?
25 Jun, 2013
Previous question
Yep, looks like a Cistus to me
24 Jun, 2013