By Cliolady
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Last year I put all my begonias together some of them are for the garden some of them for hanging baskets but I don't know which is which can anyone how I can tell the difference, I have them growing in pots t the moment so if anyone glad help me I would appreciate it
25 Jun, 2013
Glad you have decided they are begonias! I don't think you can tell from the corms as they all look more or less alike. Sorry but as SBG says its a case of wait and see. By the time its clear it may be too late to put them in baskets so i would plant them all in large pots or tubs for this year and sort them in the autumn. You could even make some little labbels and pop them by each begonia so you remember which is which when they die down.You could get some trailing fuchsias for the baskets instead if you like - they grow quite quickly once they get started.
26 Jun, 2013
Labbels? I meant labels.
26 Jun, 2013
Thank for all your help
27 Jun, 2013
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their trailing habit should become obvious when they have put some growth on but that may then be too late for baskets. do you have photos of them from last year to compare them with?
26 Jun, 2013