By Milverton1
United Kingdom
I bought a poppy last year 'patty's plum' It was in flower when I bought it so there was no mistake in the labelling of the plant. I planted it in my garden from its container and this year it has flowered. I am disappointed to find the blooms to be a flame orange!! Not what I expected at all, what has happened, is it something to with my soil type?

26 Jun, 2013
Looks to me like there were 2 plants in the clump and the Patty's Plum has died off and left the orange one to survive.
27 Jun, 2013
I bought a Patty plum poppy a few years ago and I thought I had lost it but to my surprise I have now have several self sets which are just flowering. So don't give up hope she might reappear!
27 Jun, 2013
Previous question
Curious.. i may be wrong but ive never heard of soils affecting flower colour ,i have got a patty's plum which has always flowered the same every year.
27 Jun, 2013