By Andrewr
Berkshire, England
I'm after varieties of large, single-flowered tulips, that are reliably perennial (that is, they don't just flower for one spring and then just throw up a few weak leaves in the following years). They will be growing in a heavy clay soil.
What varieties can you fellow GOYers recommend please?
On plant
- 27 Jun, 2013
Most of the other Darwin Hybrids will probably also work, but you may have to experiment some. Planting deep also helps, but in clay soil, that's relative--10 cm down to the shoulder is considered "deep" in clay soil.
29 Jun, 2013
I have had returning Golden Apeldoorn for many years. I find the species tulips more reliable returners.
6 Nov, 2013
Thanks SG. I have already planted both your suggestions
7 Nov, 2013
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appledorn [red and yellow forms] they come up year after year in my garden. but 'an in your face red' and they flower april/may so late additions and quite tall.
28 Jun, 2013